Log Stream Replay Logs
Last modified on August 26, 2024
This feature is part of the Enterprise bundle. If it is not enabled for your organization, please contact StrongDM at the StrongDM Help Center.
Field | Type | Description | Example |
chunkId | Integer | Incrementing identifier of the chunk | 12345 |
events | Array | List of chunk events, each containing the data and duration of the event | [ { "durationMs": 12345, "data": "c2FtcGxlRGF0YQ==" } ] |
eventsEncrypted | String | Encrypted chunk events payload, base64 encoded | |
formatVersion | String | Version of the log format | "v1.0.0" |
hash | String | Hash of the chunk, base64 encoded | "Yzk2MTE4NGNlYjg4ZDQ2Y2RiN2VjMTQyY2I3NDEyNzg3NDBhYTExNA==" |
logType | String | Type of log, always “replays” for replay logs | "replays" |
queryUUID | String | Unique identifier of the query | "0CEGCEGCEGCEGCEGCEGCE1234ceg" |
timestamp | String | Time at which the chunk was started, formatted as datetime | "2024-08-01T13:13:20.895597162Z" |