
Last modified on July 30, 2024


The Infrastructure section of the Admin UI is where you can add, view, manage, and search all of your organization’s resources, including clouds, clusters, datasources, servers, and websites.

How to Add Resources

  1. In the Admin UI, click Resources in the navigation menu.
  2. Select the kind of resource you wish to add.
  3. Click the Add button.

How to Manage Resources

To get more details about, clone, edit, or delete resources, you can click the Actions button next to the resource’s name, or you can click into the resource’s name to view or modify the resource’s settings.

Clicking the Actions button for a resource displays the actions you can take on the selected resource, without having to go into the resource’s details.

Healthcheck individual resources

Healthchecks verify that StrongDM can reach the resource, and show the resource as available and healthy in the Admin UI and in the desktop app for users who have access to that resource. To initiate a healthcheck for a specific resource from the CLI, use the following command:

sdm admin resources healthcheck <YOUR_RESOURCE_ID>

The placeholder <YOUR_RESOURCE_ID> is the ID of your resource, or its exact name. If the name matches more than one resource, the healthcheck will fail. The command does not give a response. It will simply initiate the healthcheck to update that status within StrongDM if it needs to be updated.

The Search field allows you to find resources in your organization according to display name, health, resource type, authentication method, and assigned tags. You can either type into the Search field or use the filter buttons to quickly find resources by type, health status, assigned tags, and/or their secret stores. The table header displays the number of results returned by the active search and filter query.

You can enter any text or string, even partial strings, into the Search field. The Admin UI checks against all resource names.

Resource search filters

Resource filters display resources according to their type (for example, MySQL is a datasource type), status (healthy or unhealthy), tags (any assigned tags), or configured secret store (StrongDM or a secrets management tool).

You can type or copy/paste the following filters into the Search field, with or without other text. Do not use quotes or tick marks.

FilterDescriptionExample Search
healthy:<TRUE|FALSE>Shows all resources that are healthy (true) or unhealthy (false)For any resource, status:unhealthy finds all unhealthy resources
identityEnabled:<TRUE|FALSE>Shows SSH or Kubernetes resources that use either Identity Aliases (true) or leased credentials (false) to authenticateFor cluster resources, IdentityEnabled:false finds all clusters that use the default leased credentials for authentication
secretStoreId:<SECRET_STORE_ID>Shows resources with the specified secret store identifier; you can find identifiers next to secret store names in the Admin UI’s Settings > Credentials Management > Secret Stores sectionsecretStoreId:se-1b234c56789d012e finds all resources that store credentials in the secret store with identifier “se-1b234c56789d012e”
tags:title=valueShows resources with the specified tag; supports wildcards (*)tags:env=prod or tags:env=pr* finds all resources with the env=prod tag; tag values containing commas must be inside quotes (for example, tags:region="useast,uswest")
type:<RESOURCE_TYPE>Shows specified types of resourcesIf searching clusters, type:kubernetes finds all Kubernetes clusters

Filter buttons

Alternatively, you may narrow the search results by selecting one or more of the following filter buttons instead of typing it out:

  • Secret Store automatically populates filters based on secret stores selected for resources.
  • Status automatically populates filters based on health status.
  • Tags automatically populates filters based on assigned resource tags.
  • Type automatically populates filters based on the type of resource.

Save your favorite search and filter queries

The parameters of your search and filter queries are reflected in the page URL, allowing you to bookmark your favorite searches and filters in your web browser.

For example, when filtering datasources to find only the MySQL datasource type, the URL becomes

Note that when filtering resources by secret store, the URL includes the secret store ID parameter instead of the secret store name (for example,

You can find resources and information about the following StrongDM topics in this section:
