Generic SCIM Endpoint - Replace Group

Last modified on March 24, 2023

The Replace Group endpoint replaces the requested role in its entirety.




HTTP method


Path variables

<ID>RequiredRole IDReturns a 404 if the role ID is not foundr-00001

Request body attributes

displayNameRequiredDisplay name of the roleReturns a 400 if the provided value is empty; returns a 409 if the provided value is already in use"RoleName"
membersRequiredList of the members of the role with subattributes value (user ID) and display (human-readable descriptor of the user, for your own use) of the user(s) to be assigned to the role from creationReturns a 400 if the IDs are formatted incorrectly or are invalid; returns a 404 if user IDs are not found[{"value": "a-66f584886171b51d", "display": "userEmail@example.test"}]
schemasRequiredSchema URI for representing groupsInclude the value as indicated in the example.["urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:Group"]

Example request


  "schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:Group"],
  "displayName": "TestPutBasic",
  "members": []


Example success response

(Status 204)
  "schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:Group"],
  "displayName": "NewRoleName",
  "id": "r-00001",
  "members": [],
  "meta": { "resourceType": "Group", "location": "Groups/r-00001" }

Example response if role ID is not found

  "schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:Error"],
  "detail": "Resource r-1230954 not found.",
  "status": "404"

Example response if new role name is empty

  "schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:Error"],
  "detail": "could not update role name: cannot update role: invalid operation: name cannot be empty",
  "status": "400"

Example response if user ID is malformed

  "schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:Error"],
  "detail": "cannot parse member id: aa-123134",
  "status": "400"