sdm admin clouds update
Last modified on November 3, 2023
sdm admin clouds update - update one or more clouds
sdm admin clouds update command [command options] [arguments...]
aws update AWS cloud
awsConsole update AWS Management Console cloud
awsConsoleStaticKeyPair update AWS Management Console (Static key pair) cloud
azure update Azure (Password) cloud
azurecert update Azure (Certificate) cloud
gcp update GCP cloud
snowsight update Snowsight (Snowflake Web Console) cloud
--file value, -f value load from a JSON file
--stdin, -i load from stdin
--filter value filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
--filters-help show valid filter strings and examples
--filter-json value path to JSON based filter
--tags value tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
--delete-tags value delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
--timeout value set time limit for command
--help, -h show help