sdm audit

Last modified on June 21, 2024

   sdm audit - administrative audit commands

   sdm audit command [command options] [arguments...]

   activities                   extracts the activity log with optional support for following the live log
   resources                    extract resource settings at a specific timestamp
   nodes, node, relay, relays   extract node settings at a specific timestamp
   permissions                  extract user permissions at a specific timestamp
   queries                      extracts the query log with optional support for following the live log
   ssh                          extracts SSH captures with optional support for following the live log
   rdp                          extracts RDP captures with optional support for following the live log
   kubernetes, k8s              extracts kubernetes logs with optional support for following the live log
   web, http                    extracts web logs with optional support for following the live log
   cloud                        extracts cloud logs with optional support for following the live log
   tokens                       extract admin tokens listing at a specific timestamp
   users                        extract user listing at a specific timestamp
   roles                        extract roles listing at a specific timestamp
   workflows                    extract workflows listing at a specific timestamp
   workflow-roles               extract workflow roles listing at a specific timestamp
   workflow-approvers           extract workflow approvers listing at a specific timestamp
   workflow-assignments         extract workflow assignments listing at a specific timestamp
   access-requests              extract access-request listing at a specific timestamp
   approval-workflows           extract approval workflows listing at a specific timestamp
   approval-workflow-steps      extract approval workflow steps listing at a specific timestamp
   approval-workflow-approvers  extract approval workflow approvers listing at a specific timestamp

   --help, -h  show help