Latest blog posts from Tim

At first glance, legacy PAM tools might seem like a safe bet. They’re familiar and established, and they’ve been getting you from here to there for years. But take a look under the hood, and you’ll see that they’re quietly draining your resources.

I’ll spare you the “I drink your milkshake” tropes, but we all face a sobering reality: there will be breaches in 2025. Breaches aren’t a question of “if” anymore—they’re a question of “when” and “how bad.” It’s a foregone conclusion, like taxes or the 37th season of Grey’s Anatomy. But here’s the good news: knowing the inevitability of breaches gives us the perfect opportunity to prepare, if we have the will – and strategy – oh, and tools – to do it. And no, I’m not talking about the “build a

Yesterday, CyberArk announced a new partnership with Wiz, where they’re touting “complete visibility and control for cloud-created identities.” I know I’ve had my fun poking holes at CyberArk in the past, but with this announcement, they’ve just handed the world a glaringly tone-deaf admission of being outdated, un-innovative, and uninterested in what enterprise security teams actually want.

In essence, legacy PAM solutions over-index on access. StrongDM uses the principles of Zero Trust to evaluate and govern every action, no matter how minor - where each command, query, or configuration change is evaluated in real-time against dynamic policies that adapt to the context of the user, the sensitivity of the action, and the prevailing threat landscape.

I'm continuously shocked by how poorly the PAM industry has treated customers to date. Shame on CyberArk, Delinea, and all the rest of you for persisting with such predatory models. The business model is "squeeze the blood out of them, then squeeze harder." The deployment model is "you'll never ...

I thought I had solved the biggest problems in the cloud, so I shifted into the background to watch the next evolutions of technology pass me by. I had the comfortable couch, the latest game console, and plenty of time to regret the true state of my adult gaming reflexes. I thought I was done. I was wrong.