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Make privileged credential management secure and easy

Privileged credentials are never exposed to end users, eliminating the need to share and reducing the risk of breaches.
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Privileged credentials are often difficult to manage and track. This leads to the proliferation of credentials which can increase risk and introduce security gaps. Eliminate these gaps by never exposing credentials to end users and regaining control over privileged access.

Your secret is safe with me

Control access to credentials and privileged actions with centralized policy management. Access is individualized to the user based on roles and attributes.

Access based on identity means you don’t have to worry about bad actors accessing stolen or lost laptops. With secrets and credentials no longer stored on end-user devices, there won’t be any credentials to find.

Users in line waiting to get into a DBMS with a caption of someone saying
A grid of four logos including Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services, CyberArk, and Hashicorp Vault

The keys to the kingdom

Tightly control access with secure storage of tokens, passwords, certificates, and encryption keys to protect your sensitive data.

StrongDM integrates with AWS Secrets Manager, CyberArk Conjur, Hashicorp Vault, Google Secrets Manager, and more to provide robust security that helps you reach Zero Trust access.

Native integrations

StrongDM makes deployment easy by supporting the secret store of your choice.

Store secrets across multiple vendors to enable scalability with a consistent user experience every time.

UI screenshot of StrongDM with multiple native integrations with Secret Store solutions
Peloton logo
Better logo
Benevity logo
Betterment logo
SoFi logo
Yext logo

Dream More. Deliver More.

G2 Privileged Access Management leader award
G2 Best Support for Privileged Access Management award
G2 IAM Best ROI award
G2 Fastest Implementation of IAM award
G2 Privileged Access Management that Users are Most Likely to Recommend award
G2 Winter 2023 IAM Easiest to do Business With award
G2 Fall 2022 IAM Easiest to do Business With award
G2 Fall 2022 Easiest Admin Privileged Access Management solution
G2 Fall 2022 Best Support for Privileged Access Management tool
G2 Fall 2022 Highest User Adoption of a Privileged Access Management solution
StrongDM app UI showing available infrastructure resources
Connect your first server or database, without any agents, in 5 minutes.