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What’s New at StrongDM | August 2023

StrongDM manages and audits access to infrastructure.
  • Role-based, attribute-based, & just-in-time access to infrastructure
  • Connect any person or service to any infrastructure, anywhere
  • Logging like you've never seen

This month, we’re rolling out updates to make access smoother than a perfectly coded algorithm.

Say hello to streamlined access workflows that will have you waving goodbye to access hassles. We also improved your audit filters to take searching to a whole new level. Let’s dive in and learn more. 🤿

  • NEW! Access Workflows: Make your dream of Zero Standing Privileges a reality. Our Access Workflows solution provides a comprehensive, auditable, and streamlined approach to managing user access rights and eliminate standing access. Want to learn more? Check-out our feature deep dive here. 

  • NEW! Replay Data Retention: Globally control the storage of SSH, RDP, and Kubernetes replay data. Customers now have the flexibility to disable storage of session replays, while still capturing non-replay queries and replay metadata. With StrongDM, always know who did what and for how long.


  •  StrongDM’s audit logs capture every activity and query. High-volume logs often make it hard to surface the information you are looking for. To make searching through your audit logs even easier the sdm audit  CLI command now supports filters provided via CLI flags. Check out all CLI filters here. Filter by user, resource type, or more.

For all the August updates and fixes check out the July release notes.

Log in to StrongDM

As we bid farewell to summer and insecure access, we welcome the arrival of a new host of features. Access Workflows is the foundation for many exciting things to come, and we can’t wait to share more. 

Looking for a certain protocol? Don’t hesitate to reach out—we’re always here to listen and build a solution that’s right for you. Drop a line to product@strongdm.com

Missed the July Update? Check it out here

About the Author

, Sales Enablement Manager, an accomplished product marketing manager with over 5 years of experience in the technology industry. She is skilled at developing comprehensive product marketing plans that encompass messaging, positioning, and go-to-market strategies. Throughout her career, Fazila has worked with technology products including software applications and cloud-based solutions. She is constantly seeking to improve her skills and knowledge through ongoing training and professional development. She is a member of the Product Marketing Alliance and is an AWS Cloud Certified Practitioner. To contact Fazila, visit her on LinkedIn.

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