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What’s New at StrongDM | May 2023

StrongDM manages and audits access to infrastructure.
  • Role-based, attribute-based, & just-in-time access to infrastructure
  • Connect any person or service to any infrastructure, anywhere
  • Logging like you've never seen

It is graduation month and as you prepare to graduate from outdated security practices, we're excited to introduce new features that will give your security policies a well-deserved upgrade.

Say goodbye to old manual ways and welcome a brighter future of enhanced security. In this blog post, we'll dig into our newest product enhancements that are designed to empower organizations on their cybersecurity journey. 

  • Log Streaming to S3: Dive into a world of enhanced visibility, compliance, and security as we enable you to effortlessly stream your StrongDM audit logs to a third-party object storage service. We are starting with Amazon S3, and will be introducing additional options in the future. It only takes a few steps. Simply enable log streaming in the Admin UI, add the policy to your S3 policy, and you’re done. Now all logs will be written to the configured S3 location. Once the data is in S3, export to any tool you wish. Documentation Here. 

    Log Stream to S3

For instance, effortlessly send logs from your S3 bucket to Splunk and craft personalized dashboards to suit your needs. Uncover source-specific role changes, track server changes over time, or trace authentication events by country. The possibilities are endless.

Splunk Dashboard (2)

There are several options for how our customers choose to store and export their logs. Below are some common logging scenarios that may be right for you. 


  • Certificate Expiration Time. The certificates used by the SSH Certificate-based resource type now have a validity of 24 hours, this is increased from 3 minutes.
  • Advanced Insights Update: The Reports Library CSV now allows you to export all rows in a report, or only filtered report rows. Get the information you need quickly and easily. 

Full May release notes are available here.

Log in to StrongDM

At StrongDM, we're continuously pushing the boundaries of what's possible in access management. The summer is just beginning, we're thrilled about the roadmap ahead, and we can't wait to unveil the incredible features and enhancements we have in store for you in the coming months.

Missed the April Update? Check it out here.

About the Author

, Sales Enablement Manager, an accomplished product marketing manager with over 5 years of experience in the technology industry. She is skilled at developing comprehensive product marketing plans that encompass messaging, positioning, and go-to-market strategies. Throughout her career, Fazila has worked with technology products including software applications and cloud-based solutions. She is constantly seeking to improve her skills and knowledge through ongoing training and professional development. She is a member of the Product Marketing Alliance and is an AWS Cloud Certified Practitioner. To contact Fazila, visit her on LinkedIn.

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