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PostgreSQL Drop/Delete Database: 15 Ways, Examples and More

PostgreSQL Drop/Delete Database: 15 Ways, Examples and More

The DROP DATABASE command in PostgreSQL is a powerful command that is used to delete a database along with all its associated objects, such as tables, views, indexes, and other database-specific elements. It is often a good practice to clean up your workspace by removing unused databases. However, keep in mind that deleting an existing PostgreSQL database deletes all objects and data within that database. This command should be used with caution as it irreversibly removes the specified database
How to Create a Postgres User (Step-by-Step Tutorial)

How to Create a Postgres User (Step-by-Step Tutorial)

Creating Postgres users isn't just a routine step in the complicated world of database management; it's a critical strategy that has a significant impact on how PostgreSQL databases operate and remain secure. An increasing number of organizations depend on sophisticated data systems, so it's critical to recognize the value of Postgres users. This blog post walks you through the steps of creating a Postgres user, as well as, explores the significance of these users in database administration,
Are Your Databases a Pain in the Access?

Are Your Databases a Pain in the Access?

The number and complexity of databases that every organization must manage has skyrocketed. If you need access - or need to provide it - it can sure be a pain in the access to manage.
What is Just-in-Time Access (JIT)? Benefits, Types & More

What is Just-in-Time Access (JIT)? Benefits, Types & More

Today, we’ll take a look at what just-in-time access (JIT) means and what types there are. You’ll also learn about what a JIT access solution can do for your organization. By the end of this article, you’ll understand how just-in-time access works, the best practices to ensure secured implementation, and how strongDM comes to the rescue.
Automating Database Credentialing Guide for 2024

Automating Database Credentialing Guide for 2024

Database sprawl is a lot like expanding into the suburbs: your house may be empty at first, but before you know it, you’re having to stuff things into your attic.
Managing Access to Ephemeral Infrastructure At Scale

Managing Access to Ephemeral Infrastructure At Scale

Managing a static fleet of strongDM servers is dead simple. You create the server in the strongDM console, place the public key file on the box, and it’s done! This scales really well for small deployments, but as your fleet grows, the burden of manual tasks grows with it.
There and Back Again: GraphQL at StrongDM

There and Back Again: GraphQL at StrongDM

Our incredible journey from bespoke REST endpoints to GraphQL.
Scaling Your SSH Strategy

Scaling Your SSH Strategy

In our last post, we discussed some of the challenges that are inherent to management of SSH keys across your infrastructure as you scale the number of team members and servers. In this post, we will dig into some of your options and the trade-offs that they provide.
Forward Proxy vs. Reverse Proxy: The Difference Explained

Forward Proxy vs. Reverse Proxy: The Difference Explained

In this post, we’ll dissect the two concepts and explain how administrators can use a reverse proxy for easy access management control.
Integrate Active Directory With Any Database or Single Sign-On

Integrate Active Directory With Any Database or Single Sign-On

Consider this when you choose to integrate Active Directory (AD) with your databases and applications using their native APIs, connectors, or toolkits.
How to Create Users and Grant Permissions in MySQL [Tutorial]

How to Create Users and Grant Permissions in MySQL [Tutorial]

Find an easier way to manage access privileges and user credentials in MySQL databases. Reduce manual, repetitive efforts for provisioning and managing MySQL access and security with strongDM.
Change/Reset MySQL Root Password in Linux or Windows Step-By-Step

Change/Reset MySQL Root Password in Linux or Windows Step-By-Step

On an unmodified MySQL install, the root user account does not have a password. This is extremely insecure! As a systems administrator, we know that the easiest way to compromise a system is using the default unchanged password with admin privileges.
How to Configure Bastion Host for SSH Logging | Part 3 - Tutorial

How to Configure Bastion Host for SSH Logging | Part 3 - Tutorial

Configure the hosts for logging verbose data, and then send the logs to a cloud provider for long-term storage and access.
How to Create a User and Add a Role in MongoDB (Safest Way)

How to Create a User and Add a Role in MongoDB (Safest Way)

Abstract-away usernames and passwords and allow the systems administrator to keep the master passwords safe under lock & key.
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