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How Fixing Access Improves Security & Productivity Webinar

How Fixing Access Improves Security & Productivity Webinar

Breaking the Cycle: How access, security, and productivity create a vicious cycle, how this manifests in the real world, and importantly, how to break it.
Event: Devising Cloud Strategies and Solutions

Event: Devising Cloud Strategies and Solutions

Attend this MegaCast for a ton of new ideas on how to use the cloud to advance your long-range IT goals. What are the ways that software-as-a-service could replace some on-premises infrastructure? How could a switch to modern applications supercharge an area of your business? Where could an expansion of infrastructure-as-a-service usage reduce your overall costs or dramatically improve your capacity and capability?
DevSecOps: The Core Curriculum Opening Remarks

DevSecOps: The Core Curriculum Opening Remarks

Listen to CEO Liz Zalman give opening remarks at the 2019 DevSecOps conference!
Why ASICS Digital Builds 12-Factor Apps with a Focus on Infrastructure

Why ASICS Digital Builds 12-Factor Apps with a Focus on Infrastructure

John Noss is a Senior Site Reliability Engineer at ASICS Digital, formerly Run Keeper. In this talk, he shares how ASICS Digital builds 12-Factor apps with an emphasis on infrastructure.
How Hearst Eliminates DevOps Complexity -- An Architecture Review

How Hearst Eliminates DevOps Complexity -- An Architecture Review

In this talk, Jim Mortko (responsible for leading all Internet-based engineering and digital production efforts) and DevOps Engineer Manuel Maldonado, they discuss how Hearst eliminated DevOps complexity through automation and tooling decisions. Listen as they walk through their services and application architecture and download the slides now.
How Betterment Secures Server Access - Automate the Boring Stuff

How Betterment Secures Server Access - Automate the Boring Stuff

Chris Becker is an SRE at Betterment. Previously, he did similar work on Warby Parker's Infrastructure team. At Betterment, he earned the label APT (advanced persistent threat) thanks to consistently tripping alarms with his peculiar scripts and commands. In this talk, he discusses how Betterment's approach to server access controls evolved as the team grew exponentially. With more people and keys to manage, the SRE team needed to find ways to automate more and reduce the maintenance overhead.
Why Fair Eliminated Static Credentials -- A Retrospective

Why Fair Eliminated Static Credentials -- A Retrospective

Cat Cai is currently the Director of Platform Engineering at Fair. In this talk, alongside Jack Wink and Marshall Brekka, they discuss how Fair eliminated static credentials through automation and tooling decisions. Listen as they walk through how they make sure they enforce least privileged access, and rotate credentials without causing a huge headache in the organization.
DevSecOps Conference Highlights | Speakers from Splunk, Betterment, Fair, ASICS

DevSecOps Conference Highlights | Speakers from Splunk, Betterment, Fair, ASICS

Check out all speaker highlights from DevSecOps 2019!
How Splunk Built A Practical Approach to DevSecOps At Scale

How Splunk Built A Practical Approach to DevSecOps At Scale

Joel Fulton is the Chief Information Security Officer for Splunk. At Splunk, they've put effort into transforming their organization from a waterfall approach to agile, to now a DevSecOps approach.
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