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How to Kill a Process in Linux: Commands and Best Practices

How to Kill a Process in Linux: Commands and Best Practices

There are multiple situations where it is necessary to terminate a process – for example, when the program does not respond or freezes, when there are detected traces of the malicious work of an application, or when one process consumes far too many system resources, and this list goes on. Learning how to kill a process properly is a vital skill that can help keep your various systems healthy and functioning optimally.
Linux Commands Cheat Sheet: Basic, Advanced & More

Linux Commands Cheat Sheet: Basic, Advanced & More

This article explores essential Linux commands, ranging from navigation, file management, text manipulation, system maintenance, user management, process management and more.
How to Remove a Directory in Linux (rm & rmdir)

How to Remove a Directory in Linux (rm & rmdir)

In every aspect of Linux system administration, properly removing directories is not just a routine task, but an important aspect of maintaining system integrity and protecting data. This guide explains the importance of removing directories, and the requirements for safe removal, and provides step-by-step instructions on how to efficiently remove directories using the rmdir and rm commands.
How to Add a User to a Linux Group (Step-by-Step Guide)

How to Add a User to a Linux Group (Step-by-Step Guide)

In this article, you will learn how to effectively add users to Linux groups, an essential task for both system administrators and users. Whether you're an experienced administrator or a Linux novice, this guide will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to effectively manage user access and privileges in your Linux environment.
There and Back Again: GraphQL at StrongDM

There and Back Again: GraphQL at StrongDM

Our incredible journey from bespoke REST endpoints to GraphQL.
StrongDM Works With Your Secrets Manager

StrongDM Works With Your Secrets Manager

We’re pleased to announce public beta support for the use of third-party secrets managers with StrongDM to store your credentials. And the best part? There are zero changes to your workflow.
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