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40+ DevOps Statistics You Should Know in 2024

40+ DevOps Statistics You Should Know in 2024

DevOps is an advanced set of practices and technologies that power the automation of development, testing, and deployment. When implemented across an
Is Your Infrastructure Access Ready to Scale?

Is Your Infrastructure Access Ready to Scale?

Access woes increase as businesses scale, with 60% of enterprises naming access their biggest challenge. Want to scale your stack and access it too?
Why Customer Happiness Matters
Why Customer Happiness Matters
Product decisions are about more than the capabilities of the software. Active Customer Support helps customers get the most value out of the product.
The Three Pillars of Observability Explained [Side-by-Side]
The Three Pillars of Observability Explained [Side-by-Side]
In this article, we’ll focus on the three pillars of observability. You’ll learn about the definitions, strengths, and limitations of each pillar. By the end of this article, you’ll know about their individual contributions and typical real-world challenges, tying them together for an overall view of your system.
Understanding the Difference Between IAM Roles and Policies in AWS
Understanding the Difference Between IAM Roles and Policies in AWS
In this article, you’ll learn the difference between AWS roles vs. policies and see examples of each. By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear understanding of what distinguishes an AWS role from a policy, in addition to understanding the difference between IAM roles, users, and groups.
Observability vs. Monitoring: Understanding the Difference
Observability vs. Monitoring: Understanding the Difference
Observability and monitoring are often used interchangeably, but there are key differences you should know between these two IT terms and the tools that enable them. In this article, we’ll explore the relationship and differences between observability vs. monitoring. Plus, you’ll learn about what makes observability and monitoring different from telemetry and application performance monitoring (APM).
Kubernetes Access Doesn't Need to Be Complex
Kubernetes Access Doesn't Need to Be Complex
Provisioning and maintaining Kubernetes access doesn’t need to be a full-time job. Much of it can be automated with strongDM, resulting in more productive system administrators and users who can access the necessary clusters for their jobs much faster.
35 Alarming Small Business Cybersecurity Statistics for 2024
35 Alarming Small Business Cybersecurity Statistics for 2024
Cyberattacks against small businesses have been on the rise in recent years. Despite the attitude among many small business owners that hackers only go after behemoths, smaller companies make increasingly attractive prey. We’ve gathered the most recent cybersecurity statistics relevant to small businesses. Read on to find out exactly what they are up against and what steps they can take to defend themselves.
Meet strongDM | Cameron Delano
Meet strongDM | Cameron Delano
Meet Cameron, Solutions Architect at strongDM and a gaming-world defender who helped rescue Christmas from the Lizard Squad in 2014.
Alternatives to Cloudflare Access
Alternatives to Cloudflare Access
Cloudflare Access is a Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) SaaS application that works with identity providers and endpoint protection platforms to enforce access policies for corporate applications, private IP spaces, and hostnames. It aims to prevent lateral movement and reduce VPN reliance. However, if you're looking to enable fast, secure access to your stack - with complete audit trails - Cloudflare Access might not be the best solution for your requirements.
Understanding GCP IAM Roles
Understanding GCP IAM Roles
In this article, you’ll learn about how GCP IAM works and the different types of roles that can be delegated to users as well as when those roles are most appropriate in the GCP environment. By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear understanding of the pros and cons of each different role type as well as their limitations.
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